
  • September 24 - October 07

    1. Introduction to the structure of matter

    Dr Mohammed Kadraoui.

  • October 08 - October 14

    2. Quality aspect of the material

    Dr Mohamed Kadraoui.

    • Qualitative aspect of matter - Quantitative aspect of matter - Isotopes - Nuclei binding energy - Stability and Cohesive energy

       Aspect qualitatif de la matière -  Aspect quantitatif de la matière - Isotopes - Energie de liaison des noyaux - Stabilité et Energie de cohésion


  • October 15 - October 21

    3. Radioactivity

    Dr Mohammed Kadraoui.

    • Chapter II: Radioactivity: Definition - Natural radioactivity - Alpha radiation - Beta radiation - Gamma radiation - Characteristics of radiation - Radioactive family

      Chapitre II :  La radioactivité : 

      Définition -Radioactivité naturelle - Rayonnement alpha - rayonnement bêta - Rayonnement gamma - Caractéristiques des rayonnements -
      famille radioactive

  • October 29 - November 04

    4. Artificial radioactivity

    Dr Mohammed Kadraoui.

    • Artificial radioactive reaction - Transmutation reaction nuclear - Fission reaction  nuclear - Fusion reaction. Law of radioactive decay - Half-life time - Application of radioactivity

      Réaction radioactive artificielle - Réaction de transmutation ()تحويلnucléaire - Réaction de fission ()الانشطار النوويnucléaire - Réaction de fusion
      Loi de désintégration radioactive - Temps de demi vie - Application de la radioactivité



  • November 12 - November 18

    5. Electronic configuration of atoms

    Dr Mohammed Kadraoui.

  • November 19 - November 25

     6 - Chapter 03 -  Electronic configuration of atoms ( part 2)

    ➢ Principles governing the electronic structure of an atom:

    ➢ Energy rule, Pauli exclusion rule and ...

  • November 26 - December 02

    7- Chapter 4 -  Periodic classification

  • December 03 - December 09

    8 - Chapter 4 -  Periodic classification

    • Chapter 4 :  Periodic classification:

      1.      Group (column), Period (row)

      2.      Evolution of physical properties within the periodic table: atomic radius, ionization energy,

      Electron affinity...

  • December 17 - December 21

     9- Chapter 5 : The Chemical Bond

  • 07 January- 13 January