Настройка зачисления на курс

This course is intended for first year law students. The first legitimate question one can ask : 

What is the benefit of teaching contemporary economics for the future lawyers and jurists? However, the reasons are multiple.

· First of all, the economy is inseparable from the everyday life of men, all the problems that surround us are of economic nature.

· Moreover, early on, the student finds himself confronted with the question of choosing a specialty. He will quickly realize that this choice is dependent on the economic situation of the country.

· He is therefore required to make economic decisions. Then, as a member engaged in active life and participating in the activity of the company, he is forced to interpret and understand economic issues such as production, productivity, consumption, investment, inflation, foreign trade, competitiveness, etc.

· All these concepts are essential for decision-making.

To do this, this course is designed in advance to introduce the economic aspect and analysis and to allow the student to acquire the basic notions and knowledge necessary to understand the economic term and to relate the economic analysis, law and political science.

Самостоятельная запись (Студент)
Самостоятельная запись (Студент)