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Before the advent of the electronic media, there were only two kinds of communication, verbal and non-verbal. But with the arrival of the World Wide Web, there are a plethora of methods that people can now communicate with each other. It is not surprising at all that online communication is getting more and more popular than that of the traditional form of communication. Whether it is for personal use or professional, people rely more on the online communication. Today, the online methods have made communication all the easier and have managed to bring people closer to each other. More than a method, this is fast becoming a way of life.

Online communication, also known as electronic communication, virtual communication, web communication, internet communication, digital communication, etc.



o   Online communication refers to the ways in which individuals as well as computers can communicate with each other over a computer network, such as the Internet. These ways include: chat rooms, e-mail, forums, instant messaging, social networking sites, blogs, VoIP, etc. 

o   Online communication is a form of communication, using the various channels available on the Internet to communicate and interact online to relay a message to a targeted audience.

o   It can be defined as, the communication which uses electronic media to transmit the information or message using computers, e-mail, telephone, video calling, FAX machine, etc. This type of communication can be developed by sharing data like images, graphics, sound, pictures, maps, software, and many things.




Online communication can be a wide variety of things like communicating through chat rooms, through instant messaging applications, through electronic mails, through online forums, filling out requisite forms online, posting comments online through different social media sites or blogs, through social networking, or through online conferencing both video and audio. All of these types of online communication are being effectively used today increasingly.


Emails: Emails or electronic mails were the earliest forms of online communication. This is considered to be the sole reason for the decline of the postal service across the world. A method that saves time and money, it is still widely used by a multitude of people across the world for personal and professional communication. Emails work through an online interface and are hosted on the servers of different Internet Service Providers.


SMS: Another word for this is Short Messaging Service. As the name suggests, these are short messages with a capping of 160 alphanumeric characters that are transmitted from the sender to the receiver through the internet.


Chats: This is a very popular method of online communication as it allows a user to carry on a discussion with one or multiple people at the same time. The chat servers belong to a chat network through which the transcripts are broadcasted.


Forums: Also known as bulletin boards or discussion boards, these are online sessions that have multiple users interact with each other by posting messages on the same chat trail. This is popular for having discussion and debates on any particular topic.


Whiteboards: This tool or application works like a physical whiteboard and enables the user to draw or write on an online interface. It is popular in educational institutions and is good for one-way communication.


Instant Messaging: This mode of communication is an enhanced method of the chat. Messages can be conveyed through a special software to any user who is part of the same instant messaging network. Both users have to be connected to the relevant network to be able to communicate online. However, if one user is not available they will be notified of getting a message from a user.


VoIP: VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol is used to denote any audio or video transmission that happens between two or multiple users. This is a very popular method of communication nowadays as it allows users to interact real time and also captures the subtle nuances of the age-old verbal communication. This is used today mostly for hosting meetings and conference calls. A very popular company in this field is ezTalks that offers different methods of video conferencing.



Ø  Flexibility: Accessible 24×7, any place as long as you have an internet connection.

Ø  Leveling: Reserved people who usually don’t speak up can say as much as they like while “loud” people are just another voice and can’t interrupt.

Ø  Documented: Unlike verbal conversation, online discussion is lasting and can be revisited.

Ø  Encourages reflection: Participants don’t have to contribute until they’ve thought about the issue and feel ready.

Ø  Relevance: Provides a place for real life examples and experience to be exchanged.

Ø  Choice: A quick question or comment, or a long reflective account is equally possible.

Ø  Community: Over time can develop into a supportive, stimulating community which participants come to regard as the high point of their course.

Ø  Limitless: You can never predict where the discussion will go; the unexpected often results in increased incidental learning.

Ø  Cost effective: You cannot deny the fact that travelling cost from one city to another or one country to another is way more than signing up for a software to launch a video conference. Even there are some tools like ezTalks Meetings where you can hold online conference for free. All you have to do is just sign up and create your account. It saves both money and time.

Ø  Easy connectivity: This is one of the best benefits of online communication. No matter where your teammate or partner is, you can connect with him/her from anywhere. Online communication has made it a lot easier for the business owners to connect with their clients and partners from any place in the world. You can anytime access your account and invite the client/partner to initiate a virtual meeting. You do not have to wait for them to come.

Ø  Increase the efficiency & productivity: It is evident that work becomes much smoother when there is an ease of communication. When it is difficult to communicate, working gets more difficult. With the help of this online tools, one can also exchange important files, documents and presentations. You will be able to share screen to with the help of the features. So, with the help of online communications like e-conference, e-mail, IMs and video calls, efficiency of work has increased. Of course when efficiency increases, productivity has to increase as well.

Ø  Group video calls: For the business purpose, communication is not always limited between two persons. Often there are more people who are supposed to join the video conference or meeting. With the help of ezTalks Meetings you can host up to 100 participants in the starter (free) pack itself. This is one of the most efficient and reliable online communication tool that many business houses use to interact with their clients, partners and employees all over the world.

Ø  Convenience: Lastly, it is way more convenient than any other form of communications. Online communication can be via chats, forums, VoIP, emails and e-conference. One sitting thousands of miles away from you in a completely different time zone may not be able to interact with you without the existence of internet. But now one can interact with you from anywhere at their own convenience. Whether it is from their office or from house or even when on go, with the help of internet you can have a steady communication.



Ø  Text-based: Predominantly relies on inputting text which can be challenging for those who don’t like to write or have poor keyboard skills, but with the advance of broadband connectivity and voice and video conference technology – this will be less of an issue.

Ø  No physical cues: Without facial expressions and gestures or the ability to retract immediately there’s a big risk of misunderstanding.

Ø  Information overload: A large volume of messages can be overwhelming and hard to follow, even stress-inducing.

Ø  Threads: Logical sequence of discussion is often broken by users not sticking to the topic (thread).

Ø  Time lag: Even if you log on daily, 24 hours can seem like a long time if you’re waiting for a reply; and then the discussion could have moved on and left you behind.

Ø  Inefficient: It takes longer than verbal conversation and so it’s hard to reply to all the points in a message, easily leaving questions unanswered.

Ø  Isolation: Some learners prefer to learn on their own and don’t participate in the discussions.

Ø  Directionless: Participants used to having a teacher or instructor telling them what to do can find it a leaderless environment (and that’s where tutors come in.







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