Настройка зачисления на курс


email: rabea.ziani.books@gamil.com

please email me for any enquiries.


         Dear students,

I hope everyone is doing well with this unprecedented crisis we are living these days, and that you are all trying to make good use of some of the time on yours hands to be more productive.

I will be regularly posting our scheduled lectures on the E-learning platform to make use of it to everyone. Please notify your classmates of the availability of these lectures and encourage them to sign up for them.

You will have to do, as per usual; some research and pre-lecture readings before delving into the lecture itself in order to gain a better understanding of the content you are presented with.

Feel free to contact me at any time on the email I have provided you with if you have any inquisitions concerning our course.

I wish you the best of luck.
