Introduction to Statistical Software
In today's world, data and information have become the backbone of decision-making across various scientific and practical fields. With the continuous growth in the volume and complexity of data, it has become essential to use specialized tools to analyze these data and extract valuable insights. Statistical software plays a critical role in this context, allowing researchers, academics, and practitioners to handle large and complex data sets in an accurate and efficient manner.
Statistical software like SPSS, R, and SAS are among the most widely used tools in various fields, including economics, marketing, social sciences, and medical sciences. These programs enable users to conduct different types of statistical analyses such as regression analysis, hypothesis testing, cluster analysis, and many other techniques that support data-driven decision-making.
This course aims to introduce students to the most important statistical software and how to use them in data analysis, providing practical guidance on the steps and procedures necessary to perform statistical analyses. It empowers students to interpret results and apply them in their academic research
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