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Grammar Courses for English Language Students (L2) 2021-2022

Instructor: Dr. BOUABDESSELAM Belkacem

  1. A, An, and The: This course covers the use of articles in English. Students will learn the rules and nuances of when to use "a," "an," and "the," including their application in different contexts. Emphasis will be placed on the distinction between definite and indefinite articles, and how their usage can change the meaning of a sentence.

  2. Both / All, Neither / None: In this course, students will explore the proper use of the words "both," "all," "neither," and "none." The course will address how these words function in sentences to convey inclusivity and exclusivity. Examples and exercises will help students understand the correct contexts for their usage, improving clarity and precision in their writing and speech.

  1. Recapitulation of Tenses: This comprehensive review of English tenses aims to solidify students' understanding of the various tenses, including their forms and uses. The course will cover present, past, and future tenses, along with their perfect and continuous aspects. Through practical exercises, students will gain confidence in selecting and using the appropriate tense for different contexts.

  2. Conditional Sentences: This course focuses on the formation and use of conditional sentences in English. Students will learn about the different types of conditional sentences (zero, first, second, third, and mixed conditionals) and their respective structures. Emphasis will be placed on the meaning and function of conditionals in expressing real and hypothetical situations.

  3. Hints on How to Improve Expression: Aimed at enhancing overall language proficiency, this course provides tips and strategies for improving English expression. Students will receive guidance on how to enhance their vocabulary, sentence structure, and overall fluency. Practical advice will be given on writing and speaking more effectively, with exercises designed to build confidence and competence in English communication.

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