Anglais Licence S5 Organisations Politiques - 2024- 2025
Topic outline
Teacher : SADEK –Meriem Dalila mail
Teaching Unit: D
Coefficient :1 Credits:1
Global hourly volume in the first semester : 15 hours
Global weekly working hours 1h.30 mn
Evaluation method: written test
Course outline
The Course in English includes two parts, the first one is a political text dealing with a specific topic related to what the students are learning in “ Arabic”, and the second one is a number of activities to evaluate the learners’ understanding of the text and their different skills in matter of reading , listening, and writing.
The tasks given to the learners are about a variety of activities as follows:
1-An activity of comprehension asking the students to explain or give synonyms to different words that seem to be difficult to understand at first sight.
2-An activity of true or false to allows the teacher to check if the students have completely understood the text.
3- To give the students a number of statements or definitions and let them guess the expressions or terms corresponding to these statements.
4- Another activity that includes a paragraph with missing words and asking the learners to find the appropriate terms and to put them in the right place.
5-The course may also have an activity of written expression as asking the students to write an essay of few lines to discuss a topic linked to the studied text.
The General objectives aspired in teaching (ESP) English for specific purpose as political English are as follows:
1-To help the students learn a second language.1-To initiate the students to politics in English.
2-To develop basic language skills as reading, listening, and writing.
3-Develop their awareness of the importance of English as a means of international communication.
4-Develop positive attitude towards leaning English.
5-Develop language competence that enable the students to present the culture and civilization of their nation.
The students who are initiated in learning political English must have the following prerequisites:
1-The students must have at least a medium level in English to learn political English
2-The students must have read at least two or three books or magazines in English even if these books are for beginners.
3-The learners must have listened to audiobook and recording in English to learn the pronunciation and understand what is being said.
4-The students must know how to use political English dictionaries to look for the information needed.
5-The students must be motivated to learn English
6-The students must be aware that they might need English in their future career
1-Common Political Words
2-The Concept of Human Rights in Islamic and Western world
3-Keys to activities of both texts “Common Political Words” and
“The Concept of Human Rights in Islamic and Western world”
4-Legal Systems in the United Kingdom
5-Sources of Law in the United Kingdom: Legislation
6-Keys to activities to both texts " Legal Systems in the United Kingdom" and " Sources of Law: Legislation in the United Kingdom.
8-Universal Declaration of Human Rights
9-Political Participation and voting in the United States.
9- Keys to activities of both texts “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and “Political Participation and Voting in the United States”
10- A General revision
All sudents are welcomed to discuss and ask questions about all what relates to our lessons
Common Political Words
Democracy :The term democracy comes from the Greek words “demos” the people and “Kratis”, meaning to rule . Democracy is a set of rules intended to give ordinary people a significant voice in government. In simple terms, it is a form of government in which the people govern, either directly or through elected representatives.Oligarchy: An oligarchy is different from democracy because control rests with a small group, such as top-ranking military officers or a few wealthy families.
Autocracy: Control rests with a single individual such as a king or a dictator.
Constitution: The Constitution is the fundamental law that defines how a government will legitimately operate, the methods for choosing its leaders, the institutions through which these leaders will work, the procedures they must follow in making policy, and the power they can lawfully exercise. The U.S. constitution is exactly such a law. It is the highest law of the land. Its provisions define how power is to be acquired and how it can be used.
Monarchy: An autocracy governed by a monarch who usually inherits the authority. Although these two terms are often treated as separate ideologies, “Fascism” differs from “Monarchy’ an any significant way. Both are ruled by a single dictator, who frequently is strongly nationalistic. Both suppress their opposition (as do most governments). Moreover, both control the economy to some extent. The only notable difference is that the Monarchy is concerned with bloodline, while Fascism is generally founded around a particular political ideology.
Anarchy: This is defined by “The American Heritage Dictionary” as the theory of doctrine that all forms of government are unnecessary, oppressive, undesirable and should be abolished.
Fundamentalism: The belief that government should be based on the fundamental principles of one particular set of religious beliefs, and that government should be intolerant to other religious views and secularism.
Federalism: A governmental system in which authority is divided between two sovereign levels of government national and regional.
Devolution: The passing down of authority from the national government to states and localities.
Activity one: Give synonyms or explain to the following words
Stringent- centralized government -Belligerent
Activity two: Give terms or expressions to the following statements.
…………………..: Set of laws and principles according to which a country is governed
…………………..:Ruling with complete power.
……………………:A system of government in which several states from a unity but remain independent in internal affairs.
……………………..:A lack of government in a society; political or social trouble.
……………………Political system based on principles and organization of an Italian communist and dictator.
Activity three: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words
The United States of America has a ………………….political system. It is ruled by a ……………governmental that opposed radically ……………..where ordinary people are prohibited from governing. Its political principles differ also from …………..where authority resides in the hands of a single person. The latter political system is in conformity with …………….but both differ in their ideologies.
The Concept of Human Rights in Islam
Islam has led universal and fundamental rights for humanity as a whole, which are to be observed and respected under all circumstances. These basic rights are associated with Islamic faith and belief because they are divinely ordained. Thus human rights in Islam are religious obligation, that it is obligatory for every Muslim to protect and restore them if they are violated. Prophet Mohamed founded a civilization in which they were fully implemented, serving as an outstanding example for all future generation.
Islam declares all people equal in terms of Human values, and all individuals are similar before the Islamic code. Its judgment and legal penalties are applicable to all races and classes of people without any distinction, and without any person, group, or nation acquiring immunity or privilege. Every human being is entitled to his integrity, honor and reputation during his life and after his death.
Islam condemns the abuse of power, position and authority, and commands people to assist an oppressed person even with the use of force when necessary. A Muslim believer is obligated to oppose injustice and oppression no matter the victim happens to be. Even during war it is not permissible to harm women, children, the elderly, the sick or the wounded. The hungry person must be fed, the naked clothed, and the wounded or diseased medically treated, irrespective of who they are.
One of the fundamental rights established by the sacred texts is that no one can be compelled to accept Islam. It is the duty of Muslims to establish the proof of Islam to people so that truth can be established from falsehood. After that, whoever whishes to accept Islam may do so, and whoever wishes to continue in unbelief may do so.
. The Concept of Human Rights in Western world
It is important to note that the concept of human rights is not an old phenomenon in Western world. It back only to the 16th and 17th centuries when political thinkers and legal experts presented the concept of basic rights and civil freedom.
The thoughts of these thinkers and philosophers in the West created unending conflict between the rulers and the ruled that led to the struggle and clash between the imperialists forces and common people for achieving these freedoms and rights. A great advance was made in the realm of human rights when people of Great Britain got their rights through a series of legal documents namely Magna Carta (1215). Petition of Rights (1628) and Bill of Right (1689 ). The people of France won their freedom through the Declaration of Rights after the French revolution in 1789. The USA got its freedom through the war of independence, in 1776.
Its people achieved basic rights in 1791 in the form of Bill of Rights, called the first ten amendments of the American constitution. The modern nation-states have made the basic human rights part of their respective constitutions under the influence of various UN Conventions and Declarations.
Activity one : Answer the following questions
1-What is the Islamic concept of human rights?
2-How did the ruled in Western world gain their human rights?
3- Islam is a religion of bigotry.
Activity two: Say true or false and correct what is false.
1-The Human rights are disassociated from Islamic faith and belief.
2- The first ten amendments of the American constitution are called the ten laws.
3-Europe witnessed the declaration of some basic rights in the thirtieth century.
Activity three: Explain or give synonyms to the following words.
Outstanding – immunity – to compel
Activity four: Complete the following paragraph by the appropriate words.
It is assumed that Islam and the Western world attach great importance to basic freedom and………………….., but their perspectives are basically……………on the issue of human rights. When analyzing broadly, the real difference is that in Islam source of all power is.……….almighty. His commandments are the ………………laws………… vicegerent of Allah on this earth. Contrary to this,………………...are considered as source of all powers in democratic societies of the West.
Keys to the activities of “Common Political words” and “ The Concept of Human Rights in Islamic and Western world”
A-Keys to the activities of “ Common Political Words”
Activity one: Give synonyms or expressions to the following words
Stringent- centralized government – Belligerent
Stringent: severe –strict
Centralized government: Federalism
Belligerent: aggressive
Activity two: Give terms or expressions to the following statements.
Constitution: A Set of laws and principles according to which a country is governed
Autocracy: Ruling with complete power.
Federalism: A system of government in which several states form a unity but remain independent in internal affairs.
Anarchy.: A lack of government in a society; political or social trouble.
Fascism: A Political system based on principles and organization of an Italian and a communist dictatorship.
Activity three: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words
The United States of America has a constitutional political system. It is ruled by a democratic government that opposed radically autocracy where ordinary people are prohibited from governing. Its political principles differ also from Monarchy where authority resides in the hands of a single person. This latter is in conformity with fascism but both differ in their ideologies.
B-Keys to the activities of “ The Concept of Human Rights in the Islamic and Western World”
Activity one: Explain or give synonyms to the following words.
Outstanding – immunity – to compel
Outstanding: Excellent – remarkable.
Immunity: The ability to be protected- the ability to be unaffected.
To compel :To force – to oblige – to pressure
Activity two : Answer the following questions
1-What is the Islamic concept of human rights?
1-Islam prescribed a complete charter of rights for humanity declaring equality for people and condemning any distinction between races and classes.
2-How did the ruled in Western world gain their human rights ?
2-The ruled gained their human rights through revolutions.
3- Is Islam a religion of bigotry.
3- No, Islam is a religion of tolerance.
Activity three: Say true or false and correct what is false.
1-The Human rights are disassociated from Islamic faith and belief.
1-False. Human rights are related to Islamic faith and belief.
2- The first ten amendments of the American constitution are called the ten laws.
2-False. They are called the Bill of Rights.
3-Europe witnessed the declaration of some basic rights in the thirtieth century.
3- True.
Activity four: Complete the following paragraph by the appropriate words.
It is assumed that Islam and the Western world attach great importance to basic freedom and human rights, but their perspectives are basically different on the issue of human rights. When analyzing broadly, the real difference is that in Islam source of all power is Allah .almighty. His commandments are the supreme laws and man is vicegerent of Allah on this earth. Contrary to this, people are considered as source of all powers in democratic societies of the West.
Legal Systems
A -The structure of law
The Legal System in the United Kingdom (UK)
The study of law distinguishes between public law and private law, but in legal practice in the UK the distinction between civil law and criminal law is more important to practicing lawyers. Public law relates to the state. It is concerned with laws which govern processes in local and national government and conflicts between the individual and the state in areas such as immigration and social security. Private law is concerned with relationships between legal persons, that is, individuals and corporations, and includes family law, contract law and property law. Criminal Law deals with certain forms of conduct for which the state reserves punishment, for example murder and theft. The state prosecutes the offender. Civil law concerns relationships between private persons, their rights and their duties. It is also concerned with conduct which may give rise to a claim by a legal person for compensation or an injunction- an order made by a court. However, each field of law tends to overlap with the others. For example, a road accident case may lead to a criminal prosecution as well as a civil action for compensation.
Substantive law creates, defines, or regulates rights, liabilities, and duties in all areas of law and is contrasted with procedural law, which defines the procedure by which a law is to be enforced.
B-The constitution
The head of state is the monarch, currently the queen in the UK, but the government carries the authority of the crown (the monarch). The Westminster Parliament has two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons, which sit separately and are constituted on different principles. The Commons is an elected body of members. Substantial reform is being carried out in the upper House , the House of Lords, where it is proposed that the majority of members be appointed, with a minority elected, replacing the hereditary peers. There is no written constitution, but constitutional law consists of statute law, common law, and constitutional conventions.
There are four countries and three distinct jurisdictions in the United Kingdom: England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. All share a legislature in the Westminster Parliament for the making of new laws and have a common law tradition, but each has its own hierarchy of courts, legal rules and legal profession. Wales and Northern Ireland each have their own Assembly and since 1999 Scottish Members of Parliament (SMPs) have sat in their own Parliament. Under an Act of the Westminster Parliament, the Scottish Parliament has power to legislate on any subject not specifically reserved to the Westminster Parliament such as defense or foreign policy. The UK’ accession to the European Communities in 1973, authorized by the European communities’ Act 1972, has meant the addition of a further legislative authority in the legal system. The UK is also a signatory of the European Convention of Human Rights and this has been incorporated into UK law.
1.Complete the definition . Look at paragraph A to help you.
1……………………….is law relating to acts committed against the law which are punished by the state.
2……………………… concerned with the constitution or government of the state, or the relationship between the state and citizens.
3………………………….is rules which determine how a case is administered by the courts.
4…………………………..:is concerned with the rights and duties of the individuals, organizations and associations ( such as companies, trade unions and charities), as opposed to criminal law.
5……………………………:is common law and statute law used by the courts in making decisions.
2. Complete the sentences. Look at paragraph B and C to help you. There is more than one possibility for one of the answers.
1. In many systems a president rather than a monarch is ………………………….
2. The UK system has a parliament of two……………………….
3- As in other countries, the courts are organized in …………………..of levels
4- The Scottish Parliament has the …………….. to legislate on subjects not reserved to Westminster.
5- The EC is an important legislative………………………in most European Countries.
6- A number of international………………………have been incorporated into national law.
3. Complete the table with words from paragraphs A, B and C. The first one has been done for you.
Verb Noun Adjective
constitute constitution constitutional
accede ///////////////////////
4-Complete the following sentences using the words from the table above.
1-The ……………………… the body which has the function of making law; normally it is the Parliament
2-It is quite a lengthy process to…………………to the European community.
3-Sometimes a court case can be delayed while counsel argue over………problems.
Federalism in the United States.
A foremost Characteristic of the American political system is its division of authority between a national government and a state governments. The first U.S. government, established by the Articles of Confederation, was essentially a union of the states.
In establishing the basis for a stronger national government, the U.S. constitution also made provision for safeguarding states interests. The result was the creation of a federal system in which sovereignty was vested in both national and state government. The constitution enumerated the general powers of the national government and grants its implied power through the “necessary and proper “ clause. Other powers are reserved to the states by the Tenth Amendment.
From 1789 to 1865, the nation survival was at issue. The state found it convenient at time to argue that their sovereignty took precedence over national authority. In the end it took the civil war to cement the idea that the United States was a union of people, not of states. From 1865 to 1937, federalism reflected the doctrine that certain policy areas were the exclusive responsibility of the national government whereas responsibility in other policy areas belonged exclusively to the states. This constitutional position validated the laissez-faire that big business was largely beyond governmental control. It also allowed the states to discriminate against African Americans in their public policy. Federalism in a form recognizable today began to emerge in the 1930s.
In the areas of commerce, taxation, spending, civil right, and civil liberties, among others, the federal government now plays an important role, one that is the inevitable consequence of the increasing complexity of the American society and the interdependence of its people. National, state, and local officials now work closely together to save the country’s problem, a situation described as cooperative federalism. Grant-in-aid from Washington to the states and localities has been the chief of instrument of national influence. States and localities have received billions in federal assistance. In accepting federal money, they have accepted both, federal restrictions on its use and national policy priorities that underline the granting of the money.
The issue of the relationship between the nation and the states has changed somewhat as a result of devolution , a shift of power downward to the states. This change like changes throughout U.S history, sprang from the demands of the American people.
Federalism: A governmental system in which authority is divided between two sovereign levels of government, national and regional.
Anti-Federalists: They were labeled as opponents of the constitution. They raised arguments that still echo in American politics. They claimed that the national government would be too powerful and would threaten self-government in the separate states and the liberty of the people. Many Americans had an innate distrust of centralized power and worried that the people liberties would be eclipsed as easily by a distant American government as it had been by the British king.
Confederacy: A governmental system in which sovereignty is vested entirely in subnational (states) governments.
Grant-in aid: The federal government provides some or all the federal fund for a program through that is called grant-in-aid (cash payment) to the states and localities which then administer the program.
Enumerated power: Article I of the constitution grants to Congress seventeen enumerated powers. These powers were intended by the framers of the constitution to be the basis of a government strong enough to forge a union that was secure in defense and stable in its commerce. Congress’ power is intended to regulate commerce among the states, and create a national currency. Its power to tax combined with its authority to declare war and establish an army and navy would enable it to provide for the common defense
Devolution: The passing down of authority from the national government to states and localities.
Activity One: Put the appropriate word in the right place.
Unlike……………,the framers of the constitution claimed that……………………was a practical necessity to build a strong nation. The constitution focused on the lawful authority of the government and provides it with……………………powers that the states and localities are prohibited from practicing. To consolidate the relation between the nation and the states, the federal government grants the localities and the sates……………………which help them financially.
Activity two:
Explain the following words according to their meaning in the text
To vest - provision - to spring
Activity three: Give terms or expression to the following definitions.
………………………: The decentralization of power from central government to state or local government.
……………………..: A system of government in which several states form a unity but remain independent in internal affairs.
..............................:federal donation destined to help the independent states and localities.
……………………:Political people rejecting the principles of the federal system.
Activity four:
Explain in a few lines why did the United States adopted federalism as its governmental system.
1- We the People . A Concise Introduction to American Politics
2-From English Colonies to American Republic. The formation of the Nation. 1763- 1861
3- Professional English in Use Law
4- An Ilustrated History of Britain
5-An Illustrated History of the USA