Aperçu des sections

  • Section 1

    • Giving more information : 

       The answer to that dreaded question “ Tell me about yourself !”

    • How to adress people ? 

    •      Before  you  begin  to  think  about  how  you  will  dress  for  the  interview,  or  answer questions, you should gather as much  information about the employer as  you can. Not only will you appear informed and intelligent, it will also help you make a decision if a job offer is eventually made.  You  might  also  want  to  prepare  for  answering  questions  by  listing  some  of  your attributes. Talk to former co-workers with whom you worked closely. Ask them to list some traits about you that they most admired - work related, of course. 

      You want to seem somewhat spontaneous, but you also want to appear self-confident.

      The way to do that is to rehearse, not exactly what you will say, but how you will say it. A great method is to rehearse in front of a video camera. Study your posture, the way you make eye contact, and your body language. 

  • Preparing students to short presentations

    • The aims of the session:

      1)     Preparing Students to search on the Net.

      2)     Building a specific linguistic repertoire for the topic.

      3)     Select a picture or a slogan on El-Hirak with  giving a feedback.

      4)     The Role of women in Hirak .


    • Malala Yousafzay has  fought for several years for the right of girls to education. she won the Nobel Peace Prize  at an eraly age. 

    • Despite her youth, Malala Yousafzay has already fought for several years for the right of girls to education, and has shown by example that children and young people, too, can contribute to improving their own situations. This she has done under the most dangerous circumstances. Through her heroic struggle she has become a leading spokesperson for girls’ rights to education.

    • When was the first Nobel Peace Prize awarded?

      Who decides what individual/s and/or organisation/s that gets awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

      Is it possible to revoke a Nobel Peace Prize?

      How do you look upon criticism of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates after they have been awarded?

  • Section 3

  • Section 4

  • Section 5

  • Section 6

  • Section 7

  • Section 8

  • Section 9

  • Section 10