An overview of FLT

What is the difference between an Approach, a method and a technique ?


   According to Anthony (1963) an approach is a set of assumption which deals with the nature of teaching and learning; a method is a plan for the presentation of language material. It can refer to the theoretical analysis of the procedures used for a particular field; a technique is a trick or a stratagem. It takes place in the classroom. For example, proposals at first can be at the level of approach, and a method is usually derived from an approach. Of course, the choice of a method implies the time involved; the availibity of the aids; the size of the class; the learners’ age and their needs. In order for an approach to lead to a method, it is necessary to develop a design for an instructional system. Usually, the term approach is related to the theories about language. Anthony (1963)

It describes how language is used, and how learners acquire a language; whereas, a method is related to the realization of an approach. It deals with the types of activities, the roles of both the learners and the teachers, and the material used in the classroom. On the other hand, a technique is related  to different types of materials such as video or tapes or to ask students to work either in groups or individually.