Course Objectives
-Improve students‟ speech skills in communicative English
- Train students to recognise sounds in English speech
- Enable students to speak English in various real-life situations and understand spoken English on TV and in other
Students should be aware of sound distinctions and their importance in speech comprehension and production, and of
degrees of formality and registers.

The Second semester course in cognitive psychology is an insight into individual learners' differences , the cognitive and the affactive that has an impact on learning in general and language learning , in particular. Obtaining a glimpse about these differences will allow future teachers to understand better their learners to cater for their needs. More imporatntly, it gives them an insight into thier own personal learning characteristics which will raise their metacognitive awareness of their learning processes

This online course on ESP is intended for 3rd year LMD Students of English ( L3 Groups :  E/F/G/H)

Teacher: Prof. Dr. F. ZAGHAR

.Unité d'enseignement de la matière: Unité Fondamentale
.Volume horaire:1h30
.Mode d'évaluation: 100% Contrôle Continu