يعتبر مقياس مدخل الى علم الاتصال والاتصال من المقاييس الاستكشافية التي تدخل ضمن التكوين القاعدي للطالب بحيث سيتم التطرق من خلال هذا المقرر لعدة مواضيع والتي من شأنها ان تساهم في تكوين قاعدة معرفية ورصيد مفاهيمي تمكنه من امتلاك مفاتيح التي تساعده في تحليل القضايا الاتصالية والاعلامية وربطها بتخصصه وهو العلوم السياسية وعليه يحتوي هذا المقرر على 5 محاور رئيسية وهي: 

1/ مفهوم علم الاتصال والاعلام.

2/ مدارس ونظريات الاتصال والاعلام.

3/ مكونات العملية الاتصالية.

4/ الاتصال السياسي.

5/ الحوكمة الاعلامية واخلاقيات المهنة.


This course is intended for first year Political sciences students. The first legitimate question one can ask : 

What is the benefit of teaching contemporary economics for the future polititions and public workers? However, the reasons are multiple.

· First of all, the economy is inseparable from the everyday life of men, all the problems that surround us are of economic nature. As a member engaged in active life, the student is forced to interpret and understand economic issues such as production, productivity, consumption, investment, inflation, foreign trade, competitiveness, etc.

· All these concepts are essential for decision-making.

To do this, this course is designed in advance to enable the student to become familiar with the most important economic schools of thought and their developments and provide him with knowledge to understand political phenomenon based on economic background.

DR.khadidja mamar                                                         



Course description

This course provides a graduate – level introduction to approaches in political science research, it does not delve deeply in research methods of the field but it almost covers all the main concepts , tools , research questions , measurement causation,  research design, mixing methods and professional ethics, what makes of this course an ecuminical one  whith  very rich learning materials

The course objectives

By the end of the course the students should be able to :

·       Explain the meaning purpose and scope research methodology  in political science

·       Define the concepts and strategies of planning  for aresearch.

·       List the phases in research methodology in political science.

·       List the tools of research in political science.

·       Discuss the the constraints of political science research.

 Study units :

The student should be able to learn the content of the below listed units :

Unit One : introduction

1.    What is politics ?

2.    What do political scientists study ?

3.    Meaning types and importance of  political science research.

Unit two : conceptual fundation of a research :

1.    Variables

2.    Index.

3.    Models

4.     Units of analysis.

5.    Paradigm.

6.    Method ,theory and approach.

Unit three : levels of scientific research.

1.    Description.

2.    Categorisation.

3.    interpretaton and evaluation.

4.    Prediction.

Unit four : Steps  of scientific research

1.    Choosing a resaerch topic.

2.    Statement of problem in research.

3.    Formulating hypothesis

4.    Conceptualisation and operationalisation of variables .

5.    Data collection.

6.    Data analysis.

7.    Coclution.

تهدف هذه المحاضرات في مقياس المدخل الى علم السياسة الى تقديم نظرة عامة عن علم السياسة من خلال التعريف بالسياسة كظاهرة اجتماعية لا يمكن تجاوزها، ودراسة مختلف المواضيع  في علم السياسة والتطورات التي لحقت به بحكم طبيعة الظاهرة السياسية، وما تمتاز به من حركية وتغير.

  كما أن السياسة ليست حكرا على فرد أو مجموعة خاصة، بل هي شأن عام يقتضي مشاركة وتفاعل الجميع، ذلك أن مخرجات السياسة تعني الجميع وترسم مستقبل الأجيال والأمم.

History of political thought is a course that is designed, in the 1st semester to acquaint L1 students, through a series of lectures,  with the relevant political thoughts in ancient and medieval ages. It is divided into four parts; they include an introduction to essential relations with political science and political philosophy, and an exploration of the development of political ideas from ancient civilizations to the Christian and Islamic political philosophy.

These lectures are dedicated to 1st year political sciences students. The students will be acquainted with the political life in Britain. They will be able to differ between the functions of the British Crown And British Parliament. they also will know their different functions, parts and roles inside and outside the country.